More details will doubtless pour out about Sudipto Sen's rackets as investigations proceed. But one thing is certain. The vast majority of Saradha's victims will only get a pittance from the Rs 5 billion compensation fund set up by the Mamata Banerjee government, to be part financed by an additional levy on cigarettes, of all things. But the investors' stake is estimated at Rs 170 billion, if not more, says Praful Bidwai.
Antique dealers around the country are getting cannier.
Many a time, investors get carried away by the high returns offered by a particular offering. Out of sheer ignorance most investors do not bother to question the authenticity or the transparency of the examples/illustrations that have been used to project the high returns.
'The Congress can't return to power unless it reins in prices, lowers interest rates, taxes the rich,' says Praful Bidwai. 'If this means sacking those most responsible for the UPA's pro-big business policies including Finance Minister Chidambaram, so be it!'
If you're planning to make the trip, we're looking out for the best places to stay, eat, party and of course see all the action!
Reliable sources claim that certain top figures within one (of the three rival) factions of the Deobandi mass organisation Jamiat ul-Ulema-e Hind are the real brains behind the ongoing hate campaign directed against Vastanvi, and that they are using Vastanvi's alleged pro-Modi remarks and certain other accusations now being leveled against him to oust him, says Yogi Sikand
Not a single Bangladeshi has been found to have been involved in security breaches or terror. But that does not mean aliens have a place of comfort when they illegally enter and stay in Mumbai, writes Mahesh Vijapurkar.
Here's a look at 15 financial problems that you must have encountered in your life. Do you know how to overcome them and become wealthy? If yes, then we would love to hear from you.
Reason must triumph over blind faith, says Praful Bidwai in this tribute to murdered rationalist Narendra Dabholkar.
The dominant version of Islam that informed Egypt's revival seemed to be harsh, fun-less and punitive, and, at the same time, thoroughly incapable of providing a progressive alternative to Mubarak's regime, says Yoginder Sikand
'Behind and beneath a book lying unbought and unread in a bookshop there is an entire universe of ambition, aspiration and frustration.'
Hyderabad has surpassed Azamgarh in Uttar Pradesh and Kerala as a breeding ground for Indian terrorists.
In an online chat with readers on December 19, Amit Grover, founder, Nurture Talent Academy addressed queries on how to pursue entrepreneurship.
With the confirmation of the Standard Model or perhaps a modification of it, we have a reason to remain hopeful that maybe we are a step closer towards realising the holy grail of physics, says Vidya Ramanathan
62-year-old Fai was sentenced to 24 months of imprisonment followed by three years of supervised release by a court in Alexandria, Virginia, a suburb of Washington DC.
This will make organised retail more efficient and help farmers. Kiranas have natural advantages that will protect them to an extent, but if they are not modernised, the employment impact could be large.
The United Progressive Alliance government is inching towards a premature demise. It is a matter of time before the Left parties severe its ties with the government or the government gears up for a confrontation with its Left supporters by going ahead with the India-US civilian nuclear agreement. Congress media manager M Veerappa Moily gave a hint of the latter possibility in interactions with news television channels on Wednesday night.